The 4 Doors to a Happy Life

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In my experience as a student, teacher, pastoral psychotherapist, and executive coach, there are 4 main areas in life worth focusing on as the top priorities: These 4 main areas are: 1) Health 2) Wealth 3) Love and 4) Enlightenment.

Why do I believe and teach this? The main reason, is because I myself have pursued many goals in life that seemed really worthwhile, but that didn't focus so specifically on these 4 priorities. The result of this lack of focus was then a lot of angst and dissatisfaction which could have been averted if my approach had been more balanced to begin with.

Let’s look at these 4 Doors to a Happy Life more closely. 

1. Health

I spent many years in very good health as I was pursuing my ambition to obtain a Ph.D. in psychology and religion. I had a tremendous amount of stamina for my goal, but outside of the goal, I wasn't very focused on improving my health, and this caught up with me some ten years after I had earned my Ph.D. when I suffered a near-fatal heart problem.


2. Wealth

Over the many years I was single-mindedly pursuing my doctoral ambitions, I invested very little time, thought, or energy in my financial well-being. The result? Frequent financial pressures and struggles, all pretty much self-inflicted, when an even slightly more balanced approach could have helped me avoid most of my financial nightmares.


3. Love

Again, as a result of being so out of balance regarding my approach to my health, and my financial life, is it any surprise that I would also be out of balance in my relationships and so careen from one nightmare to another in this area of life too? 


4. Enlightenment

While I was very determined, focused, and relentless in pursuing my academic and professional credentials, I wasn't also equally alert to pursuing the Inner Source of Divine Light. Oh, I often thought that I was one of the world's most devoted seekers of enlightenment, and yet I was often just sort of fooling myself, because I was ruminating about it all, rather than actually doing it; and of course I had this magnificent doctoral obsession I was pursuing while sacrificing so much else in my life, which was all proof that I was a true seeker indeed. 

Elsewhere in this blog, I've outlined how I was able to crack the code when it came to my having to pass a particularly difficult requirement for me in my doctoral program - my dreaded scholarly German translation exam. Over the years, I have gradually learned how to apply the secrets (now called The 3 Keys to Miracle Success) I learned in cracking that code, to cracking the code in health, wealth, love, and enlightenment; and now to achieving and maintaining this much more balanced approach to overcoming my nightmares in favor of miracle success in these areas leading to a happy life. If you are interested in cracking these codes in health, wealth, love, and enlightenment for yourself my course, "Nightmares to Miracles" might just be for you. Click on the link to learn more!